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学术报告:Certificateless multi-signer universal designated multi-verifier signature from elliptic curve group



题目:Certificateless multi-signer universal designated multi-verifier signature from elliptic curve group



摘要:Certificateless public key cryptography resolves the certificate management problem in traditional public key cryptography and the key escrow problem in identity-based cryptography. In recent years, some good results have been achieved in speeding up the computation of bilinear pairing. However, the computation cost of the pairing is much higher than that of the scalar multiplication over the elliptic curve group. Therefore, it is still significant to design cryptosystem without pairing operations. A multi-signer universal designated multi-verifier signature scheme allows a set of signers to cooperatively generate a public verifiable signature, the signature holder then can propose a new signature such that only the designated set of verifiers can verify it. Multi-signer universal designated multi-verifier signatures are suitable in many different practical applications such as electronic tenders, electronic voting and electronic auctions.

报告人简介:贵州师范大学教授.毕业于厦门大学, 获博士学位. 主持多项国家省部级基金. 近来在国内外重要杂志上发表不少密码学研究论文, 在信息安全研究领域获得关注,主要工作在电子签名等研究方向。 贵州省学科带头人,青年骨干领军人才。


