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学术报告:Design and analysis of experiments:From traditional experiments to modern high teches



报告题目:Design and analysis of experiments:From traditional experiments to modern high teches



报告摘要:Design and analysis of experiments is an indispensable tool for experimenters and one of the core topics of Statistics. In this talk, we first briefly review main design and modeling methods applied in agricultural and industrial experiments, and then shift to computer experiments popular in high tech fields. The significant difference of computer experiments from the traditional experiments is discussed and the related design and modeling of these experiments is also investigated. Some general frameworks are proposed for constructing nested and sliced space-filling designs in computer experiments for more flexible parameters in which the whole design and each slice not only achieve maximum stratification in univariate margins, but also achieve stratification in two- or more-dimensional margins. Compared with other designs, the new constructed designs have better space-filling property.

报告人简介:北京大学8797威尼斯老品牌统计学教研室主任、教授、博士生导师,兼任中国现场统计研究会副秘书长,中国现场统计研究会试验设计分会理事长、高维数据统计分会副理事长、空间统计分会秘书长,是国际统计期刊《Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference》、《Statistics and Probability Letters》、《STAT》的Associate Editor,国内数学期刊 《系统科学与数学》的编委。

主要从事试验设计与分析、计算机试验、高维数据分析和应用统计的教学和研究工作,在Ann. Statist.、JASA、Biometrika、Technometrics、Statist. Sinica等国内外期刊发表学术论文六十余篇,主持或参与完成多项国家自然科学基金面上项目、重点项目和科技部973课题等。

