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学术报告:Long time existence for semilinear wave equations on asymptotically flat space-times



报告题目:Long time existence for semilinear wave equations on asymptotically flat space-times




报告摘要:Recently, there have been many works for the global existence part (supercritical p>p_c), as well as the blow up part (subcritical and critical, 1


In this talk, we will address the issue of the sharp lifespan for the subcritical and the critical case. More specifically, we will study the long time existence of solutions to semilinear wave equations of the form $(\partial_t^2-\Delta) u=|u|^p$ for small data with sufficient regularity and decay, on a large class of $(1+n)$-dimensional nonstationary asymptotically flat backgrounds, which models the black hole space-times. Under the assumption that uniform energy bounds and a weak form of local energy estimates hold forward in time, we obtain the sharp lower bounds of the lifespan for three dimensional subcritical and four dimensional critical cases.

报告人简介王成波,博士,浙江大学8797威尼斯老品牌教授、博士生导师。2002年、2007年于浙江大学获学士、博士学位,2007年-2008年浙江大学博士后; 2008年-2011年任Johns Hopkins University助理教授。入选青年拔尖人才计划(2014年),主持浙江省杰出青年基金(2012年)等。王成波教授的研究方向为调和分析和偏微分方程,特别是非线性波动方程和色散型方程的理论研究。主要从事各类时空流形中波动方程的时空估计(包括Strichartz估计,局部能量估计,KSS 估计等)和各类非线性波动方程小初值长时间性态(例如Strauss猜测、Glassey猜测)两个方面的研究。学术成果发表于CMP、Math. Ann.、Trans. AMS、CPDE、JFA、JMPA等。

